There's no disaster that can't become a blessing , and no blessing that can't become a disaster .
Don't regret when you're gone ,
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Last blogged @ 9:54 PM

The World's Most Bizarre Man-Made Disasters

Here's another video of the world's most Bizarre Man-Made Disasters.
Enjoy ! (:

( Disclaimers )

This blog is created as we're doing a project on Disaster . Both natural and man-made .
However , we would also like to raise awareness among the public towards this issues .

( Profile )

♥ JN1004C

Doraine Wong Shu Ting [ Leader ]

Zhang Meng Wen [ A.Leader ]

Lynn Lu Qiu Lin

Khoo Hui Kah

Jasline Lim En Qi

Htoo Htoo Aung

Nursing Students of ITE College East .

( Comments )

Anything you wish to let us know regarding this blog ?
Comment it here (:

( Archives )

October 2010 November 2010

Gulf Of Mexico Oil Spill
5 Top Ways To Cause Man-Made Disasters
1938 Changsha Fire/Wenxi Fire
Molasses Disaster .
