There's no disaster that can't become a blessing , and no blessing that can't become a disaster .
Don't regret when you're gone ,
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Last blogged @ 9:33 AM

Molasses Disaster .

Molasses disaster scene. By Leslie Jones, courtesy of Boston Public Library

Molasses disaster? Can molasses kill people?

Yes, a molasses tank in Boston exploded with great force and flooded the streets with a huge wave of molasses. It killed 21 people, crumpled the steel support of an elevated train, and knocked over a fire station.


The Violence of the Explosion

Fermentation, a sudden rise in temperature, and an inadequate tank caused the tank containing two million gallons of molasses to explode. The force of the explosion was so great that:
  • Half-inch steel plates of the huge molasses tank were torn apart. ("Seeking Cause of Explosion," The Salem Evening News, January 16, 1919: 7.)
  • The plates were propelled in all directions, hard enough to cut the girders of the elevated railway. (Ibid.)
  • After the explosion, a tremendous vacuum sucked into ruin buildings which had withstood the primary blast. (Ibid.)
  • The vacuum also picked up a truck and dragged it across the street toward the molasses tank. ("Big Molasses Tank Blast Kills Eleven," The Boston Globe, January 16, 1919: 8.)
  • An elevated train was lifted off the rails and fell onto the ties. (Ibid.)
  • Some buildings collapsed.
  • Some buildings were knocked off their foundations.
  • Some buildings were buried under the flood of molasses.


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This blog is created as we're doing a project on Disaster . Both natural and man-made .
However , we would also like to raise awareness among the public towards this issues .

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Lynn Lu Qiu Lin

Khoo Hui Kah

Jasline Lim En Qi

Htoo Htoo Aung

Nursing Students of ITE College East .

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